Memories of the Reunion Page
Link to Check for
Fr. Ed Kennedy's Note to us all
Photos from 1955 - 1967-68
The Surroundings
Photos of Grenville College and Surroundings today and some of the school as St. Mary's College
Saturday Morning & Boat Trip
Photos of Former Students Registering for the Reunion Weekend
Photos of taken at Breakfast and on the 1000 Island Boat Tour to Stovin Island
Sunday Celebration
Photos of the Sunday Celebration led by Archbishop James Wingle
Biography Booklet presented to all Attendees (15 Megs.)
Bios Booklet
Message Board
Leave a message, make a suggestion, or a request
Friday Reception
Photos of Friday Evenings Reception
Saturday Soirée
Photos of Saturday Evening's Soirée
Murray Hall Altar
Various Photos of the Murray Hall Altar Restoration and Setup in the
Good Shepherd Chapel
Group Shots
Various Photos of those in attendance at the Reunion in Groups
Individual Shots
Various Photos of Participants in attendance at the Reunion