Additions/ Changes/Updates
Tuesday - January 20, 2015 - Noted the passing of Fr. Edward Kennedy at the Misericordia Hospital (Edmonton AB)
Tuesday - January 20, 2015 - Noted the passing of Fr. Edward Kennedy at the Misericordia Hospital (Edmonton AB.
Saturday - September 7, 2013 - Updated the Site Map by adding the Prologues link to it. Updated Andy
                              Kirkpatrick's (1966) data.
Friday - November 9, 2012 - Noted the passing of Fr. Arthur Connell September 25, 2012 at the Scarborough General
Saturday - April 21, 2012 - Added David L Laycock (1964) and his information to the website.
Wednesday - November 3, 2010 - Noted the passing of Fr. James Davis CSsR. on October 21, 2010 in St. John's NL at
                               Agnes Pratt House where he had been staying due to his having Alzheimer's Disease.
Thursday - February 17, 2011 - Just informed that John Maddock (1961) passed away in June 2009.
Saturday - July 17, 2010 - Announcement that we have joiuned Facebook with a Group entitled St.  Mary's
                               Redemptorist College Former Students, Graduates and Faculty at
Tuesday - February 9, 2010 - Attached to the Announcement of Brock's Landing the presentation by Paul Sluyter
                               outling his plans for the re-development of the site of St. Mary's/Grenville Christian College Site.
Friday - January 1, 2010 - Attached a letter notifying us of the purchase of Grenville and the future plans that
                                precludes another Reunion on the former site of St. Mary's.                
Saturday - January 09, 2010 - Updated Burnie Thorp's (1965) Email address.
Monday - July 27, 2009 - Found John Pico (1965) and posted his info in the 1965 Class list.
Saturday - September 6, 2008 - Changed R. Patrick Shaw's (1955) Mississauga mailing Address.
Sunday - March 23, 2008 - Changed Peter Ferren's  (1952) Email address
Tuesday - August 12, 2008 - Noted the passing of Jack (John) Connell (1965) from pancreatic cancer on August 10 in
                                 Miramachi NB.  As stated by + James Wingle (1965) his good friend - May the Lord have mercy
                                 on his good soul, and bring comfort and strength to the family.
Friday - December 28, 2007 - Placed 2008 Reunion on Hold until Grenville is sold.
Saturday - September 08, 2007 - Changed Joe Blythe's (1966) address as he is moving from Toronto to Tobermory as
                                of Oct. 1.
Tuesday - July 17, 2007 - Vince Lutz (1962) just as he was found, unfortunately passed away in a traffic accident
                                June 11, 2007. We wish his wife Carol of 31 years our condolences.
Thursday - July 05, 2007 - Changed Gord Peter's (1967) address as he has moved from Bright's Grove to Alberta.
                                I have begun the process of defining the dates for the 2008 Reunion.
Friday - June 29, 2007 - Found and Updated the information for Newman Abbott (1964) on the Alpha and Class list..
Saturday - April 21, 2007 - Added photo to Memorabilia of the 50's and 60's of David McGraw ('56) in front of Statue
                                 of St. Gerard by the handball courts. Photo was taken in 1956 or 1957.
Sunday - March 04, 2007 - Posted on the Site Map a link to the Episcopal Ordination of +Gerard Pettipas, C.Ss.R. -
                                 Archbishop of Grouard-McLennan showing Gerard's Coat of Arms, its explanation and his
                                 official photo.
Saturday - February 17, 2007 - Changed Gord Moorey's (1967) Email address.
Thursday - November 30, 2006 - Posted on Message Board the announcemnet of Gerard Pettipas (1968) appointment
                                as Archbishop of of Grouard-McLennan (Archdiocese includes Mackenzie-Fort Smith and
                                Whitehorse) areas.
Monday - October 23, 2006 - Noted the passing of Thomas Callaghan former CSsR. in Calgary during the month of
                               September. Added to Memorium page.
Thursday - September 28, 2006 - Added the page "Photos from the early 60's " to the Website Site Map
Thursday - July 20, 2006 - Changed Mel Anthony's (1968) address as he's moved again.
Friday - April 14, 2006 - Changed John Burke's (1956) address from London, ON to Toronto, ON
Tuesday - March 28, 2006 - Changed Ed Dale's (1966) Email address.
Monday - January 23, 2006 - Changed Mel Anthony's (1968) Email address
Monday - January 16, 2006 - Updated the information on Arthur Hicks (1961) location, phone number and added his
Monday - December 30, 2005 - Added Robert Charette's (1969) name to the In Memoriam Page. He passed away in
                              late November.
Saturday - November 05, 2005 - Contacted by and Added Brian McKeown's (1962) information to the Alpha and Class
Friday - November 04, 2005 - Added to the Memories of St. Mary's Page those of Joe Antle - Class of '61
Friday - September 23, 2005 - Added a Memories Page to the Site Map for the Stories that Staff and Students may
                              wish to share of there years at St. Mary's..
Saturday - Augusr 20, 2005 - Changed Joe Blythe's Email address.
Thursday - August 11, 2005 - Changed Richard Girouard's Email address. Extended Invite to Altar Consecration by
                             Email at Grenville on Aug. 21, 2005 .
Wednesday - July 06, 2005 - Changed Steve Hollands Fax # that is now toll free.
Tuesday - May 10, 2005 - Changed Mario Cauchi address etc. as he has moved.
Saturday - April 02, 2005 - Added Joe Hickson to the Memoriam Page. He passed away on this date in Hamilton, ON
                            at the St. Peter's Pallative Care Centre as he lost his battle with cancer
Thursday - March 31, 2005 - Added Bro. Malachy CSsR. (John Diamond) to the Memoriam Page. He passed away
                            recently at the Redemptorist Retirement Community - Grey Nun's Centre in Edmonton, AB .
Saturday - March 19, 2005 - Added a new page to the Memories page on the Restoraion of the Murray Hall Altar
                            and the task of placing it in the Good Shepherd Chapel.
Sunday - February 6, 2005 - Found and added Rick Egan's (1966) e-mail and work phone number. He just lost his
                            home in a fire and his address etc. is unaavailable at this time.
Saturday - February 5, 2005 - Completed some houskeeping. Looking for John Madigan's new e-mail and website.
Saturday - January 22, 2005 - Changed Mel Anthony's Address etc. as he has retired and moved to Edmonton, AB
Tuesday - November 30, 2004 - Added David McGraw's (1959)) Address, Email, etc. to the List of Former Students
                          from the 50's
Thursday - August 26, 2004 - Added Vic Cowie',s (1958) Address, Email, etc. to the List of Former Students from
                          the 50's
Tuesday - August 17, 2004 - Added Neil McDonald's (1958) Address, Email, etc. to the List of Former Students from
                          the 50's
Wednesday - July 7, 2004 - Added Ron DeLeskie's (1960) Address and E-mail to the Class lists.
Sunday - July, 4, 2004 - Changed Jack Madigan's E-mail address as requested.
Saturday - May 29, 2004 - Added Gerry Bennett's (1969) Addresses and E-mail to the Class lists.   
Monday - May 5, 2004 - Added Joseph Antle (1961) and John Meehan's (1962) Addresses and E-mail to the Class
Tuesday - May 6, 2004 - Added Anthony Durand (1961) to the In Memoriam page. His death was reported by Bryan
                          Geoffrey. Details are unavailable.
Thursday - February 26, 2004 - Changed Chris Rastin and Glen Pierce's Email address . Added the new link for the
                           Website of the Edmonton-Toronto Redemptorist Province.
Saturday - January 31, 2004 - Added the Bio of Stephen Holland to the Autobiographies of those from the 60's Page.
Sunday - Januaray 18, 2004 - Changed the Flash presentation. Have added the Bio for Bryan Geoffrey. Made
                           changes to Emails in some cases and completed other Housekeeping duties.
Saturday - October 25 - Added to the Website on the Memories page the Bios Booklet. Takes about 1 1\2 minutes to
                           download as it is 15 Megs.
Tuesday - September 30 - Have posted additional Student Body pictures on the Memorabilia of the 50's & 60's page.
                           The photos that have been added are mainly from the 50's.
Thursday - September 18 - Collapsed the Site from and set up a redirect page to the
                           new Website with its new URL(Address)
Wednesday - September 3 - Pictures have been added to the Sunday Celebration Page.
Tuesday - September 2 - Have added some more pictures to The Friday Reception Page and the Saturday Morning
                            & Boat Trip Page. There are now 228 pictures that are on the Memories Page.
Tuesday - September 16 to Wednesday September 17 - Have purchased the URL - and Webhosting at
                  to park the Site. Transferred all files to the Web Host at the site
Monday- September 1 - Sorry as I have been offline due to a computerproblems last Friday and have finally
                             resolved them again.  The pictures I have added are on the The Surroundings and Groups Page.
                             I will add others over the next few days to other pages. I am finished with the Surroundings Page
                             and the Groups Page for now unless I get other pictures from others.
Thursday - August 28 - Have added some more pictures to The Surroundings Page. Made some adjustments to the
                             page as well. It takes about 1/2 hour to post 6 pictures if you are wondering what is taking so
                             long. There are now 205 pictures that are on the Memories Page.
Wednesday - August 27 - Sorry as I have been offline due to a computer crash on Sunday late. Restored everything
                             by Monday Evening and had everything operating correctly by Tuesday Evening. I have received
                             a Cd from Patrick Shaw with another 115+ photos that I have reveiwed and have started to post
                             them. The pictures I have added are on the Sunday Celebration Page and The Surroundings
                             Page. I will add others over the next few days. I am looking for a picture of Robert Briand. He has
                             avoided all the shots as best I can see so far. If you have one taken at the Reunion please send it
                             to me by E-mail or by Post. Thank you.
Sunday - August 24 - Have added some more pictures to the Group Page. Added one to the Registration Page and
                               one to the Saturday Morning/Boat Trip Page.
Wednesday - August 20 - Have added some more pictures to the Registration Page. Will be adding some more later
                              tonight to the Group Shot Page. There are 171 photos posted from the Reunion on this site at
                              present. All of the shots were taken by Frank Belanger, Richard Boulianne and myself. If any of
                              you have other photos I would appreciate seeing them or receiving them to add to my collection
                              before I make the CD.
Monday - August 18 to Tuesday - August 19 - Doing some houskeeping to Individuals photos on the Autobiographies
                              Page. Reveiwing the 212 Photos Frank sent prior to the Blackout. Posted some more Photos on
                              the Registration Page.
Sunday - August 17 - Added Pictures to the Autobiographies Pages to complete the pages as best as possible.
                              Reorganized Additions/Changes/Updates Page.
Tuesday - August 5 - Have finally received 210 photos from Frank Belanger, 6 photos from Paul Kennedy and have
                             Edited them. Posting on the Web has started with  a few on the Soirees Page and others on a new
                             page entitled Individual Photos. More will be added over the next few days. 
Wednesday - August 6 - Added 10 more pictures to the Individuals Shots page. Posted a message on the Message
                               Board regarding reordering of T-Shirts by Frank Belanger. 
Thursday - August 7 - Added 6 more pictures to the Individuals Shots page this afternoon. Will be adding more this
                               evening to the Registrations Page.
Sunday - August 10 - Added more pictures to the Saturday Morningand Boat Trip page.
Friday - August 8 - Added more pictures to the Registartion Page and to the Sunday Celebration Page.
Monday - August 11 - Tuesday August 12 - Doing some Houscleaning of the Files.
Wednesday  August 13 - Added one shot to Soiree and ten to Reception.
Thursday  August 14 to Friday August 15 -  Black Out hit at 4:15 pm and we didn't get any power until 11:00 am. No
                               work on the website as my air conditioning was gone until Saturday.
Saturday  August 16 - Received and added Jerry Plamondon's Bio and Picture to thje Autobiographies of the 60's
Saturday - July 26 - Photos are being added to the Soiree Photo Page.
Monday - July 28 - Tuesday July 29 - Been working on adjustments to the Website to prepare it for continued use until
                              2008. This will allow for the collapse of the July 2003 Website and the updating to begin for the
                              Summer of 2008. Will probably upload the adjustments on Tuesday. The Site might be down for an
                              hour or two.
Wednesday - July 30 - Thursday -  July 31 - Been working on adjustments to the Website to prepare it for continued
                             use until 2008. Updated the Crest. Have uploaded parts o the Revised Site (index, Site Map,
                             Autobiographies, etc). Check it out. Waiting for Franks 150+ pictures. I'll get them on Sunday.
Monday - July 11 - Changed Flash to announce the Reunion had been held
Tuesday - July 12 to Tuesday - July 22 - Preparing Memories Page and adding Photos. Thanks to Richard Boulianne
                               and Doug Little for their Photos
Wednesday - July 23 - Modifying Memories Page. Photos will be added to the Sunday Celebration Page.
Thursday - July 24 - Photos are being added to the Group Photo Page.